What should I do in case of data loss?
Lost your important data? Don’t panic! Don’t start using methods you’ve never tried before! Even one wrong attempt to retrieve data can reduce the chance and extent of recovery to zero!
In case of data loss, the most important thing is to protect the state of the data carrier after the error and to choose a professional data recovery service. KÜRT’s data recovery technology can be used in the case of most hardware and software errors, which we have been continuously developing since the mid-1990s.
How can I order a data recovery?
For a new data recovery order, please fill out our “Data Loss Report” form, then after printing and signing the two attachments sent in the response email, please come to us in person with the data medium (H-1118 Budapest, Rétköz utca 5., BudaWest office building 4th floor).
If you have any problems, our colleagues will be happy to help you (tel.: +36-1-228-5410).
Data recovery at home. Is this possible?
A simple problem can very easily turn into a complicated problem, or even irreversible damage. You can achieve this very easily if, after detecting the disorder, you try to solve the situation on your own, with various tries from the all-knowing magic program downloaded from the Internet to the neighbor’s son, who is “very good at computers”.
What can cause data loss?
The reasons for data loss can be quite diverse. Some more unstable operating systems, due to an unfortunate combination of circumstances, mix up the registration system of the data on the storage, and thus the operating system reaches the wrong “shelf” when looking for something. It is possible that you, Dear User, accidentally or carelessly start a function that causes the system to lose data (e.g. you delete something you shouldn’t). Then it also happens that the hard drive malfunctions, its electronics break down, or a small error occurs on the magnetic surface that carries the data, leaving no magnetic layer, i.e. no data. The writing/reading head, which normally “flies” above the surface at a distance of a few nanometers (1 nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter), but due to certain external influences, it can stick to the surface and deform and damage it. And then we haven’t even talked about cases where, for example, in computers burned in a fire, the metal discs carrying the data warp from the heat.
What is necessary to start the recovery process?
1. Properly filled out “Registration of data recovery” form.
2. Signed Declaration and Request for Quotation documents sent you by email after the form filling.
3. Of course, we also need the damaged data carrier, which you can deliver to us personally or as a package.
The computer reports a partition error.
Partition error signals can be of many types and can occur for several reasons. We have now collected the most common cases of partition errors and the resulting data loss.
It is important to know that the solution suggestions described on Internet forums can be useful in fixing errors. However, they do not take into account the loss of important data during the repair process.
Operating system installation:
Our customers often require data recovery services due to an error occurring with a freshly installed operating system. Partition loss or errors resulting from operating system updates are equally common.
Changing hard drives in the system:
When connecting a new hard drive or one with a file system different from our system, the operating system is able to partition the hard drive, allocate storage areas, or possibly delete old partitions and change them to a new file system. Although these are standard operations, in all cases, practice is required so that our existing data and system are not damaged, and the storage area is created with correct references and addresses.
Operating system error:
It happens that different operating systems cannot handle changes and errors that may appear on the hard drives during their operation, and these lead to partition errors.
In the above cases, it is important to make sure that our valuable data is safe before restoring, repairing, or redistributing the partitions of the affected hard drives (or other storage devices). If we are not sure about this, it is worth asking for help from KÜRT Data Recovery immediately.
Accidentally deleted data
Many people have accidentally deleted important data. Is it possible to recover data in the case of deleted data? The answer is multifactorial:
In the case of deleted data, the structure, operation and method of data storage must be known. Next comes knowledge of the software working on the storage, which manages the storage space. What do operating systems or a data (file) management software do when a delete or move command is issued? The result of various formatting procedures can also result in the deletion of storage data.
Check Disk has run
The application called Check Disk is a built-in program for Windows operating systems that detects and repairs the file system on the hard disk. It can be run manually, but Windows operating systems also start it automatically if the system feels the need to repair the file system.
In practice, users almost never start it manually. However, the operating system often runs it with the usual screen.
Most often, after running Check Disk, certain files disappear from the computer. This is because the checking program determines that there are bad parts on the hard disk in the place where the file was stored. Thus, in order to avoid a bad area, it deletes the file address from the file system.
Good advice:
If you feel that your computer has been reading your hard drive uncertainly lately, you have accidentally deleted or formatted it, or you are unsure about the results of an update or installation, do not let the Check Disk program run when you shut down or start up your computer, as permanent data loss is almost certain in such cases. In such cases, if necessary, physically disconnect the power to the computer and try to copy your important data after removing the hard drive. If data loss has occurred, KÜRT Data Recovery is an excellent partner in the fast and efficient handling of software data loss. Contact our Customer Service and request a personalized, free status assessment and quality data backup!